Why set up a Level 1 Custom Gear Collection?

We help by outfitting your clubs, sports teams, businesses and schools with the best quality Custom Gear easy on you!
We take care of the money. We offer many secure payment options online, so no cheque or form collecting by you. You don’t have to handle cash, collect cheques, or deal with NSF cheques.
Questions from students/athletes/members are our responsibility! We will answer all questions via phone, email. Facebook or Instagram.
Ordering is one click away. We will set up your collection on our site and work with you to design a Custom Gear collection you will be proud of.
We take care of order fulfillment. We offer local pick up, delivery to school (when it is safe to do so) or paid delivery right to your door.
Best part is we offer all this to you for FREE. Get your club, sports team or school recognized in some Custom Gear.
Increasing school spirit and having your logo out in the community has never been easier.
Have a question? Or want to get your Custom Gear Collection started? Reach out to Don at Level1CustomGear@gmail.com today!